The Sandra Salgado Montells Foundation is a private non-profit foundation that wants to facilitate access to education for people under 27 who are at risk of social exclusion, understanding that academic training is an essential tool for social integration and improvement of prospects and conditions.
The founders are José Salgado de la Fuente and Montserrat Montells Jordà, parents of Sandra Salgado Montells, who left us at 27 but who continues to inspire us every day through the memory of her kindness. Sandra was able to enjoy a privileged education and whenever she found someone with academic difficulties she did everything in her hand to help them. This attitude began during her early school years and continued through her university education, since it was something tied to her selfless personality. Her parents want to carry on with Sandra’s selflessness by helping young people who can’t afford to continue their education.
Sandra was born in 1990 in Barcelona, where she grew up surrounded by her family and friends until she finished her university studies. Then she moved to Brussels for work, and after some time she returned to her hometown, where she got a job in a great company where she was highly valued, both professionally and personally. Her kindness and her charming personality meant she always made friends wherever she went, and this paired with a vital curiosity and a taste for travelling made Sandra live to the fullest and leave a mark on those who were lucky enough to meet her.
The Foundation
The Foundation is a non-profit entity that has the assets, income and resources obtained permanently affected to the realization of the purposes of general interest provided by its Statutes.
The Foundation is called “Sandra Salgado Montells”, was established in Barcelona on April 9, 2019 in a public deed granted before the Barcelona notary D. Valero Soler Marti-Javato with protocol 878, is registered in the Registry of Foundations of the Generalitat of Catalonia with registration number 3132, has vocation of permanence and performs its functions indefinitely.
How it works
The Sandra Salgado Montells Foundation has established an action protocol to facilitate access to education for people under the age of 27 who are at risk of social exclusion. The procedure is as follows:
- Establishment of agreements with associations, foundations or institutions that deal with young people at risk of social exclusion who cannot assume the financing of their education beyond ESO (mandatory secondary education)
- The collaborating institutions provide proposals of potential candidates that meet the following requirements: young people under the age of 27 who have completed compulsory education, who want to continue their education and who find themselves in a domestic or social situation that prevents them from being able to finance their studies. We always ask for a personal motivation letter from the candidate.
- The President of the Foundation meets with the Board to assess the received proposals. The selection of applications is made by the decision of the majority of the Board’s members after evaluating each candidate’s educational history, environment, personal circumstances and their letter of intent.
- Once the resolution is approved, the President signs the agreement with the collaborating entity, establishing the terms of payment for the educational expenses and other associated expenses that may be included, and the monitoring of the results of the student..
- Each collaborating entity reports quarterly of the evolution of the students in order to confirm the continuity of the scholarship and the established financial terms.
The Board
The Board is the governing and administrative body of the Foundation – it represents it, manages it and assumes all powers and functions necessary to execute the foundational purposes.
Board members
From the date of the founding act, the members who participate in the Board in a selfless manner are:
- José Salgado de la Fuente (President)
- Montserrat Montells Jordà (Trustee)
- Lucía Lorente Umbert (Secretary)
- Mercè Ramón-Cortés Montaner (Trustee)
- Xavier Olivella Cargol (Trustee)
- Xènia Puiggrós Ferrer (Trustee)
Plaça Eguilaz 3, 2º 2ª, 08017 Barcelona
Phone number: +34 629 333 226
Email: hola@fundaciosandra.org